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國中英語《have you ever been to a museum》教學設計

國中英語《have you ever been to a museum》教學設計


國中英語《have you ever been to a museum》教學設計



Step1 Review

Ask students to revise have+動詞過去分詞by making to change example ,Have you learned this unit Yes, I have./No, I haven’ents show their papers.

(1) I have already read Treasure Island. Have you read Treasure Island Yes, I have.

(2) I have already finished my homework. Have you finished your homework yet Yes, I have.

Step2 Look at the pictures.

Use the information to ask and you ever heard of following places of interest For example, The Great Wall ,the Palace Museum,and so finish 1a, Match the pictures with their names ,then read aloud.

Step 3 Presentation.

Listen to 1b. Check the questions you en again and finish check the answers and correct en again and complete the conversation with the words you the blanks with useful information to complete the correct it and read together.

Step 4 Practice.

Practice in pairs. Then ask some pairs to perform.

Have you ever visited... Have you been to... Have you tried...

Step 5區分have been to和have gone to.

Do the exercise check the answers.

Step 6 Homework.

Remember the phrases and sentences in this lesson. Finish the exercises in the workbook. Log in and complete your listening.(一起中學:聽力)

Step 7 Blackboard design.

1. the Great Wall

the Palace Museum


you ever visited...

Have you been to...

Have you tried...

3.區分have been to和have gone to

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