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會考英語作文-How to Keep safe in school

會考英語作文-How to Keep safe in school

Do you know our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough. For example,Last month,my friend Tom fight with a classmate. And Tom chase the classmate. By the time he run into the classmate , the classmate had already closed the door, so Tom hit the door, and then he send to the hospital soon, and he stay in hospital about two weeks.

會考英語作文-How to Keep safe in school

So, we should know the important of the safe in school. Here are my suggestions. We cant fight with others. And we should get on well with our classmates. Whats more, we should be carefully in our school life.

Lets keep safe in school, and have a better life!

標籤: Safe school 會考 英語
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